Reading Reflection, Age of Migration Chapter 10

Overall question:
After many readings and discussions I have had about immigration and segregation in the United States, I have always considered fear of cultural differences and racism as the leading factor of xenophobia. After reading this chapter, I can understand why some people might not fear different skin color or different culture as the reason they do not want immigrants coming into to the country, but rather fear of less job opportunities. I believe people who consider themselves to be fiscally conservative are still inherently racist because the reason these people do not want to give more taxes or support Obamacare is so that they can maintain their hierarchy in society. Fighting to keep their money means school districts stay underfunded, and people with less resources cannot regularly go to the doctor. This keeps the poorer, usually minority citizens, oppressed. (Sorry for the rant, I am open to discussion about this topic.) But because Americans have not been systematically oppressing immigrants for long periods of times, can people’s xenophobic fears actually stem from fear of losing their jobs, and not fear of culture or race?
            (see page 238-239. It seems as though white immigrants have an easier time adapting because of similar phenotypes and skin color.)

“Multicultural social policies are based on the idea that immigrants do need special services that address their special needs with regard to education, language learning, and housing.” (p. 234)
Where do government and immigrant workers draw the line between too many services that the immigrant becomes separated and isolated in their new country, and not enough services that the immigrant is not able to maneuver themselves into their new society? Does the line change based on different immigrants needs and desires? I have seen examples of where I think it works in society, but is my perception accurate?

Jus soli vs Jus sanguinis. (p. 247-248)

Why would a country choose one way of deciding citizenship over the other? Does one or the other limit the amount of people coming into the country? Does one or the other help a country get more money?

--What is American Blood?


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